Abundant Life Healing began unintentionally after a lonely twelve year struggle trying to provide suitable intervention for our special needs children which we adopted from Ukraine. We had tried every intervention known to us, available in our community. When completely unexpectedly, in the Spring of 2013, God surprised us with an introduction to the life changing healing power of herbs.
Passion Flower Vine
Our Story
The first herb we cautiously introduced to our children was Passion Flower, and we were absolutely astounded by it's amazing transforming power. One by one, we tackled each symptom, each child was challenged with and every time, stood back in awe as we experienced God's healing power. Our household has literally been transformed. For the first time since we were called to walk this journey, we are hopeful that we will bump across the finish line victoriously. Our only sadness lies in the fact that we didn't experience this miracle sooner. We believe all the other interventions we tried would have been more beneficial. But we remind ourselves that our God is sovereign and His timing is perfect.
Because God is holding us in a much leaner financial position than we have ever experienced in our thirty years of marriage, I, Rachelle, resorted to learning to make these remedies. What I thought was a burden in my already overcrowded schedule, God is using to bless us and many others. As I began sharing our amazing story of experiencing God's healing power in nature with others, our surprise miracle began to take on a life of its own. People where intrigued and began asking for help with their health situations. Now remember, I'm just a mom with no special training, simply trying to help my children reach their full potential. Each time I created an herbal remedy for someone and gave it to them, I'd pray, and wait for feedback. One by one, they began telling me their amazing stories of experiencing God's power through His magnificent creation.
Within six months I needed to make a decision, either stop sharing about our amazing God and His provision, or get a business license. Believers are commanded to proclaim God's glory, so I couldn't stop sharing. I prayerfully began to step out in faith. But before I could get a business license, I needed a name. I knew that I wanted God to be honored, but He wasn't telling me what He wanted this business to be called. While on a walk in the Sierras, surrounded by His magnificence, I reflected on what I was studying in the book of Matthew 9:9-17, where Jesus teaches that following Him means a new birth and a new way of life....I began praising God with His attributes, starting with the letter "A." I prayed, "God, You are Awesome. You are Amazing---look what You've created, the snow caps mountains, the blue sky, the brilliant green trees with their amazing scents. You are Abundant---you abundantly supply all my needs. You want your children to live a new life, an abundant life now, while on earth. We don't have to wait for heaven to experience that. Hmm--abundant life, what does that look like?" I wondered. "Spiritual, emotional, and physical healing and wholeness. Newness of life in those areas would definitely contribute to an abundant life... Abundant Life Healing." That was it--God gave me His name for His business. And so, this new journey began...