Skin Anything Salve


Skin Anything Salve

from $10.50

This salve penetrates the skin, healing almost any skin condition: burns, dryness, rash, infection, poison, bites, itching, knits bone and much more. These healing herbs numb pain, draw out infection and bites and fights bacteria.

Suggested Use:  Apply a small amount to affected are with a clean finger tip.  Cover or wrap if possible.  To lengthen self life store product in a dark, dry, cool place.

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Ingredient List: Plantain Leaf, Comfrey Leaf, Rosemary, Echinacea, Calendula Flower, Yarrow Flower, Myrrh, Golden Seal, Olive Oil, Beeswax, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Lavender and Myrrh Essential Oil.