Cold and Flu Relief
Cold and Flu Relief
The cold and flu season can be challenging, but here are a few remedies that may help prevent or shorten your symptoms.
Immune Boost Tincture: These herbs work together to strengthen your body's natural defenses against colds, stress, flu, viruses, and infections. Take 5-15 drop 1x/d to maintain good health. At the first sign of sickness take up to 5x/day.
Respiratory and Sinus Infection: The herbs in this tincture increase white blood cells and kill infection, making it a powerful infection fighting duo. Take 1 dose every hour for the first 24 hours, then 4x/d for a total of 10 days.
Immune Boost Tea: These herbs work together to strengthen your body against colds, flu, viruses, and infections. Steep 1/4 cup of herbs in 8 cups of boiling water and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add fresh lemon and raw honey to taste. Sip around the clock until symptoms resolve.
Suggested Use for Tinctures: May be added to juice or tea to ease strong taste. To lengthen self life store product in a dark, dry, cool place.
Immune Boost Ingredient List: Elderberry, Yarrow, Rose Hips, Olive Leaf, Astragalus Root, Garlic, Echinacea, Nettle, Oregon Grape Root, 30% Alcohol by volume, Glycerin.
Respiratory and Sinus Infection Ingredient List: Echinacea, Oregon Grape Root, Alcohol 30 % by volume, Glycerin.
Cold and Flu Tea Ingredient List: Elderberry, Astragalus Root, Olive Leaf, Echinacea Purpurea, Rose Hips, Oregon Grape Root, Nettle.